
  • preside over meetings of the organization
  • serve as member ex-officio of all committees of the organization (except Nominating)
  • appoint chairperson of each standing committee and persons to fill vacancies
  • work with secretary to set schedule and prepare agenda for board meetings
  • serve as spokesperson for the organization,…act as the main liaison with principal (regular meetings) and staff
  • apply for event permits
  • hold keys to mailbox, on-site and off-site storage lockers
  • mobilize board members/PTO volunteers in readiness for school events and membership drive
  • oversee PTO announcements (ex: flag salute, PTO meeting communication, etc.)


  • prepare annual budget (using Excel or QuickBooks) for membership approval
  • receive and deposit monies for the organization
  • pay out monies owed/promised by the PTO
  • keep an accurate record of all finances; reconcile event and fund raising proceeds (e.g. square, cash deposits,…)
  • present a monthly and annual statement of account to membership
  • coordinate tax filing with professional CPA
  • drive processes for financial dealings with school (teacher grants, field trips)
  • submit SOC form to school district (at start of new school year)
  • update insurance (summer)
  • update square / paypal passwords as needed
  • collect employee matching funds/ensure programs are in place


  • prepare and print agenda & minutes for PTO monthly meetings;  send electronic copies to VP Technology
  • work with president to set schedule and prepare agenda for BOD meeting
  • prepare minutes for BOD meeting and publish to Board members
  • coordinate bank signatory sign-over in support of new BOD members, yearly and as required
  • develop and maintain PTO master calendar

VP of Ongoing Fundraising

  • plan and oversee ongoing fundraising activities ( Write-A-Check, Restaurant Nights, Box Tops, Jamba Juice, Benefit, Amazon Smile etc.)
  • oversee PTO merchandise

VP of Special Projects

  • coordinate seasonal fundraising (e.g. fall festival / walk-a-thon, winter event, spring event, silent auction)
  • coordinate teacher appreciation luncheon
  • coordinate winter and spring See Candies drive

Membership Coordinator

  • organize the annual PTO membership drive and the on-going process to encourage membership
  • manage PTO membership list
  • drive board member nominee solicitation and voting process
  • With VP of Volunteers, lead PTO membership drive during first week of school events (kindergarten class tours, ice cream social and Boo-Hoo breakfast)

VP of Community Outreach

  • act as a liaison to Trace community by planning and overseeing social & community building events (e.g., Ice Cream Social, Father daughter dance, Special topic speakers)
  • Liaison with SELAC
  • Partner with VP of Volunteers on PTO membership drive during first week of school events (kindergarten class tours, ice cream social and Boo-Hoo breakfast

VP of Volunteers

  • coordinate volunteers for PTO events
  • partner with VP of technology to implement effective on-line volunteer sign-up
  • facilitate the connection between Trace community for overall volunteerism (e.g. Hoover & Lincoln students)
  • With Membership Coordinator, lead PTO membership drive during first week of school events (kindergarten class tours, ice cream social and Boo-Hoo breakfast)

VP of Academic Outreach

  • act as a liaison to Trace community by planning and overseeing academic outreach events (e.g., Science Fair, Homework Help, Math Club, Literacy Night / Dr. Seuss Week, Move It Club, Educational Assemblies, Test Snacks)
  • apply for grants to support academics

VP of Technology

  • design & implement user friendly PTO website
  • liaison with Trace website owner to maintain linkages between school and PTO websites
  • maintain PTO BOD email alias list
  • “digital asset management”: develop & maintain a repository for electronic documents
  • partner with VP of Communications and/or other board members on PTO website content